The pandemic had an absolutely Country Email List soothing effect on TikTok, which sprouted lush green shoots in 2020. So much so that the Country Email List China-born platform ended last year as the teens' favorite app . But TikTok has not touched the ceiling, much less, and continues to vigorously hit the growth spurt. A recent US study by Forrester Country Email List concludes that TikTok has also managed to outshine its most direct competitors, Instagram and Instagram, in terms of weekly reach among teens ages 12-17.
TikTok's weekly reach saw 13 percentage point Country Email List growth in 2021 among younger people. If in 2020 50% of young people between 12 and 17 years old used TikTok weekly, in 2021 this figure has risen to 63%. In contrast, over the last Country Email List year the percentage of centennials who use Instagram weekly has plummeted from Country Email List 61% to 57% . In the period between 2019 and 2021, the weekly use of Instagram has seen a drop of 7 percentage points.
Despite the victory of TikTok over Instagram Country Email List and Snapchat among teenagers, the most used app by this age group is YouTube While Country Email List weekly Snapchat usage plummeted from 60% in 2019 to 54% in 2020, it has remained flat in the past year. And it is that Generation Z has not fallen out of love, much less Snapchat and Country Email List continues to put eyes on this platform.